Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday News for Week of October 6-10

Another windy Friday out there! Don’t get blown away~

This Week:
This was the first week we practiced the Weekly 4 - Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work, and Work on Writing. Each day students got to choose which one they wanted to do and independently worked on their choice. We are still practicing, but the students did great! I hope that during this time, students can stretch themselves in the words they are working with both in reading and writing. 

Ask Questions while reading: This week we practiced what it means to ask questions during reading. We read aloud a book and asked a question about every page! The question could be as simple as, “Why did the character do that?” or “What is going to happen next?”
Cross Checking - While reading, it is important to check to make sure the pictures and the words are matching up. This is called Cross Checking because you are crossing the pictures and words together. This week we read aloud a story and made sure that on each page, the words I was trying to read matched up with the picture of the story. 

We continued with Good Beginnings as well as Characters of the stories. 

Math: This week we finished Unit 2 of Math with a short math test. So far we have learned reading clocks to the hour, counting pennies and nickels, tally, using number grids to count up and down, as well as counting by 2’s and 5’s. 

Today we also did a fun lesson on patterns. The students designed their own pattern and got to see it laid out in squares. We also played a fun game with patters called Musical Pattern Chairs. 

Bible: We have started the lesson on Joseph this week and the students are loving it! The Bible workbook came with mini puppets for the students to color and cut out. So many bad things happened to Joseph - he got sold by his brothers as a slave, Joseph’s master’s wife lied and caused him to go to jail, he helped the cupbearer in jail but the cupbearer didn’t remember him. BUT throughout all the bad times, GOD WAS WITH JOSEPH and God is using Joseph in a special ways for His story. I’m excited to share with the students the rest of the story next week!

The students are also doing great in memorizing Psalm 100. We are going to work on memorizing the whole chapter so here is a song to help them memorize it:

Chapel: This week’s chapel was the story of David being picked to be king. David was the youngest of all of Jesse’s sons, but God didn’t look at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart and he saw that David’s heart was the best and picked him to be king. 

A picture from music class!

Next Week:

Spelling Words: add puff egg well will doll kiss miss you live

Bible Memory Verse: Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth, worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. Psalm 100:1-3

Upcoming Dates and Information:
The Walkathon packets were sent home last week. Please read over it and email me with any questions you have. It is a truly fun day for OCSI and I hope everyone can come out to enjoy fun and exercise and to raise money for more OCSI projects. 

October 13 - No School - Teacher Development Day
October 17 - First Quarter Ends
October 24 - Parent Teacher Conference - information will be sent out this coming week. 

October 27 - Sweet Potato Digging