We had a great week at school after a nice 2 week break!
So glad to be back in the classroom! |
This Week:
Reading: This week went back to the basics of Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Word work and practiced building stamina again. We also looked closely at characters, because of Character Parade next week. We also did a lot of practice with long a words.
Math: On Monday we graphed how many students stayed up until midnight on New Year’s Eve and how many students flew on an airplane during break. We continued to use base 10 blocks to work with place value and even adding large number together. We also worked a lot with number stories this week. We wrote our own number stories today and the students did great!
Bible: After our “Christmas Story” break, we have gone back to the story of Joshua and the Israelites. In our story, God is ready to lead the Israelites back into Canaan their home land, but there is now a lot of other people living in Canaan. The first city the Israelites must take is Jericho. Joshua sent two spies secretly to Jericho who affirmed that God will help them win over Jericho. To get to Jericho, the Israelites had to walk through the Jordan River and once again, God parted the waters so they could walk by on dry ground. WOW!
Next Week:
Spelling Words: Study the Spelling BEE Words! Practice the spelling bee words at home. Practice saying it and spelling it outloud.
Bible Memory: “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Kite Day is January 11th. 1st and 2nd graders have a regular school day but will go outside from 10:00-10:45 to fly kites on the soccer field. Parents, you are welcome to come and have fun with us during that time!
Jan 11-15 - OCSI School Spirit Week!!
Tuesday - Jan 12: Career Day: Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up! Or Decades Day: Dress from long time ago.
Thursday - Jan 14: Red and White Day: Wear OCSI colors!
Friday - Jan 15: Class matching Day: Wear your Friendship Friday T-shirt!
Spelling Bee:
Make sure you are studying your spelling words!
I have put all the spelling bee words onto a website called Spellingcity where the students can play games to practice for the Spelling bee. The link is here: http://www.spellingcity.com/msturnerocsi/ and also on the top tab. The 100 words are in 5 different groups - all are the first grade words!
I have put all the spelling bee words onto a website called Spellingcity where the students can play games to practice for the Spelling bee. The link is here: http://www.spellingcity.com/msturnerocsi/ and also on the top tab. The 100 words are in 5 different groups - all are the first grade words!
Click game:
And then Free Activities: