Happy Friday!
Wow, it’s gotten really cold out, but we are warm and learning a lot in our classroom of 1.1!
This Week:
Monday was Kite Day! Lots of wind for this day and lots of kites went up high!
Reading: We focused on “Tune into Interesting Words.” We read several books and “tuned” our ear to listen to see if a word is interesting; maybe it’s fun to say, maybe it looks fun, or maybe we don’t know the meaning. After we found interesting words, we wrote them on our Word Wall. I asked the students 2 questions: “Why are these words important? and What should we do with these words now that we have collected them?” The students had great answers like “We should use the words in our writing!” Yes! I hope these students will broaden their vocabulary and use all sorts of interesting words as they grow up!
Math: We finished up Chapter 4 with a Math test today. The students learned all different kinds of subtraction strategies. Some were very confusing, but overall the students did well staying focused and doing their best work. Chapter 5 is about Place Value!
Bible: In our story through the Old Testament, the Israelites had to wait 40 years before they could go into Canaan because they disobeyed God. Now the 40 years are over, Moses has died, and Joshua is the new leader. He gives a speech to the Israelites as they enter the Promised Land and tells them to “Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. They would face many obstacles but they need to put their trust in God because He is with them! Their first obstacle was the Jordan River. Once again, the Israelites walked through on dry ground and God stopped the river flow. Next obstacle was the city of Jericho. The Lord told Joshua to march around the city for 7 days with trumpets. On the 7th day, they marched around 7 times and gave a big shout. Right then, the walls of the city started to fall
Tuesday, Jan 17 - Pajama Day! - Wear pajamas to school! (Make sure it’s still in dress code!)
Wednesday, Jan 18 - Crazy Hair and Hat Day - Wear your hair crazy or wear a crazy hat!
Kindergarten-2nd grade - Character Day - dress up as a book character
For Fun Friday, we watched the VeggieTales version called “Josh and the Big Wall.”
Social Studies: This week we learned the cardinal directions such as “North, South, East, and West.”
Next Week:
Monday, Jan 16th - No School!
Friday, Jan 20th - No School!
Jan 17-19 - OCSI School Spirit Week!!
Elementary students: Are you ready to dress up crazy for Spirit Week?
Here’s the themes for the week:
Thursday, Jan 19 -
Do you know which book character you are going to be yet? Make sure you have a book and a simple costume to go with it. Parents are welcome to come from 9:00-10:00 to watch us parade around the school.
January 19th - Character Day:
This is a regular day of school for the students. Students need to come to school dressed up as a book character. Costumes don't have to be over the top extravagant. Some ideas could be Clifford, Pete the Cat, Curious George etc. Please also make sure your child bring the book with them to school that day (If they need to, they can check it out from the library beforehand). At 9:15 the students will parade around the school. Parents are welcome to come from 9:00-10:00 to watch the students parade around the school and return to their classroom for some activities. Also, feel free to send a change of clothes with your child if their costume will get in the way with the rest of the school day.
No Spelling Words: Review the long a and long o words
Bible Memory Verse:”But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15
Upcoming Events: - 1/16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School *
- 1/19: 2nd Quarter Ends
- 1/20: Teacher Work Day - No School for Students*
- 1/23: 3rd Quarter Begins
- 1/26: 1st Semester Report Cards Issued
- 2/20: Presidents’ Day - No School *
- 2/21: Progress Reports
- 3/13: OCSI Holiday - No School *