Thursday, May 3, 2018

Friday News April 30-May 3

Happy Golden Week!

I hope you had some time together with family and friends enjoying Children’s Day and a time of rest and relaxation.

We had a great week in 1st grade:

Reading - Main Idea - We read some pretty great Kevin Henkes books this week and thought about Main Idea of the story. We learned that it’s a theme that goes across the entire book, not some little tiny detail about the story. It was a good skill for us to talk about this week since many of the Kids A-Z quizzes ask, “what is the main idea of this story?” Now the students know!

Writing - The students are writing fantastic fictional narratives!

Math: We cruised right through Chapter 8 with time and measurement. The students did great! The 1st grade curriculum only teaches time to the hour and half hour, they will learn to the minute in 2nd grade. We did a fun clocks game called "Scoot" today!

Bible: We are learning about exciting times in the history of Judah and Israel that got split after the death of Solomon. Many of the kings did not follow after God and did bad things. God sent prophets to warn the people. One great prophet was Elijah who had a competition with the prophets of Baal to see who could bring down fire from heaven, God or Baal? Of course, God won! :)

Science - We are learning about animal classification and we learned about birds this week!


Next Week:

Bible Memory: “The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.” Psalm 145:13
Spelling Words: played worked needed hopped wagged stepped  liked hoped ruled skated their than there

Field Trip Information sent home today. Please sign the permission slips and return by Friday, May 11

1.1 Ice Cream Party!! Thursday - last one of the school year!!! I'd love to see you there!

Upcoming Events:
  • 5/10 Big Dip Ice Cream Party
  • 5/17 First Grade Field Trip (Kodomo no Kuni zoo and Wonder Museum)
  • 5/28: Memorial Day - no school
  • 6/13: Last day of classes - class party (no lunch in the cafeteria)