Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday News for the Week of Sept 18-21

Happy Friday!

We had a very HOT week! Students had sweat dripping off of them after recess and PE!

This week:

Reading - We focused on an accuracy strategy called “Using the Pictures.” It’s a very good skills for kids to have, if they are trying to read a word and they can’t figure it out, to use the pictures to match it up with the word. We read some very fun Pete the Cat books this week to practice! On Friday, the students picked a book from their book folder and found a word and matched it with a picture!

We also practiced Read to Someone, where the students get to read to a partner. They get to help each other with questions like “Do you need coaching or time?” when a student gets stuck on a page. So much fun!

Math: We are working through different ways to make numbers. This week we worked on ways to make 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8! I hope students make the connections and that it speeds up their addition facts.

Bible - We are continuing through the wonderful story of Abraham. God made a covenant with him, which is a cool way to say “a promise between God and a person.” God promised him that he would be blessed and all the people on the earth would be blessed through him. He promised him that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore. BUT the craziest part is that Abraham doesn’t even have a child!!!! Our story continues next week…

Writing - My first grade writers are cruising through narrative stories. This week we realized that our stories were too short! We need to make them longer! So we asked questions such as WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? This helped the students add more and revise their stories.

Next Week:

Bible Memory: “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth.” Psalm 100:1a
Spelling Words: up  us mud  bug fun run  sun cut to are

Upcoming Events:
10/8 - Teacher Work Day - no school
10/25 - Field Trip to Kurashiki Dam - more info sent home on Monday

11/2: Parent-Teacher Conferences - no classes