Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monday news for the week of Oct 29-Nov2

Happy Monday!

Sorry for the late post for this week - I forgot all about it because of Parent Teacher Conferences - which was totally amazing!! Thank you to all the parents who spent some with me and Mrs. Hewitt to celebrate your child. I enjoyed every moment of it!

Last Week we learned about retelling in reading, started process writing (how to), continued to learn about Joseph and how God watched over him, learned about how animals protect themselves, had double music class to prepare for Christmas program, took a spelling test, learned comparison words in math such as “more” and “less” and had another great week at OCSI!

This coming week 11/5-9
Spelling Words: end   hand sent   went fast must   jump lamp they one
Bible Memory Verse (same as last week): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

Upcoming Events:

Nov 20 - Harvest Day - Students will rotate between the 1st and 2nd grade classes to do different activities relating to Thanksgiving. We will also eat PIE! Stay tuned for more information!

Nov 21-25 Thanksgiving Break

Nov 30 - 12:30 dismissal for all students - Christmas Program at 6pm in Uruma

Dec 14 - 12:30 Dismissal for all students - class Christmas party. Beginning of Christmas Break!