Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday News for the Week of May 13-17

Happy Friday! We had another wonderful week in 1st grade! So sad to think there are only a few more weeks left. Soon these kiddos will be 2ND GRADERS!!!!

This week we learned…

… about Author’s Purpose! There are three - to persuade, to inform, and to entertain - which makes PIE! We read some fun books to show each one.
… about the sides and vertices of a triangle, trapezoid, square, rectangle, and circle.
… about how different objects have different sounds.
… how God was with Daniel and his friends in Babylon and how he even saved Daniel from getting eaten by lions!
… how to do research by highlighting information of animals such as diet, description, habitat, and fun fact. We are getting ready to write our own animal nonfiction book!
… and much more!

We did some science experiments about sound on Friday!

Next Week:
Spelling Words (Review): hopping, hoping, making, smiling, liked, worked, stepped, hoped, hopped, rainbow, airplane, birthday
Bible Memory Verse (again): Praise be to the name of Go for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.” Daniel 2:20

Monday (5/20) is a 1.1 Ice Cream Party at Blue Seal! 6:00-7:00pm. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events:
May 27- No School

June 12 - Last day of school and class party