Happy Friday!
Important News for the week of September 3-6
- Please send in any more Family Information Sheets and Friendship Friday T-Shirt form and money, as soon as you can.
- We would like to announce that we have 3 wonderful moms who have agreed to be our room moms. They are Mrs. Ganganath, Mrs. Miyairi, and Mrs. Noda. I'm excited to work with you this year!
- NO SCHOOL - Monday September 2nd for an American holiday.
- Music supplies - Please continue to send in the music folder with the supplies. Also, the black pants and white shirt do NOT need to be sent in to school. I will let you know more information about that later.
- Folder - Every day, I have been sending home the homework folder. Today, I will send home the Friday Folder with any work your child has completed. Please look through it, take the papers out, and send the folder back to school with your child on Tuesday.
- Next week, I will sending out some math homework. I will also add on Bible memory. Our Bible memory verse for the week will be "I will hide your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11 Please have your child practice it at home, because I will test them on Friday.
Have a wonderful week end and don't blow away!
-Ms. Turner