Tuesday, September 3, 2013



I hope everyone had a good Labor Day yesterday. Even though it was really windy and typhoony I still had a nice Monday.

I would just like to let you know of a few things.

1. Because of my mistake, I forgot to print out the new behavior calendar for September. I am working on that now and will give it to the students tomorrow. Sorry about that! Every one did "Outstanding" today as usual.

2. We welcomed a new student today - Shotaro Kido! He has been on my list because we were expecting him, but he jumped right in to our class and it felt like he has been here all along! We're excited to have in him our class.

3. Please continue to send in the Family Information Sheets and the Friendship T-shirt money and order form if you would like to order it. We should have been back before our first out-of-school event!

Thank you and as always, please contact me with any questions or concerns!