Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday News and Information for April 21-25

This week was the first week back after Spring Break! The students came back so excited to come to school! It made me excited to teach them even more!

This week:

REPORT CARDS went home today. Please take out all of the papers, sign the blue envelope, and return it back to school. Thank you!

Reading: Our strategy for reading was “Every story has a beginning, middle, and end.” We read stories and talked together about the beginning, middle, and end. Every student picked a book and found the beginning, middle, and end of their own book.

Writing: Our strategy was Big Bang Beginnings. We thought of fun sounds that can be used to catch the reader’s attention such as “Bang!” “Kaboom!” “Eek!” and “Splash!” The students did a great job using that in their stories.

Math: For Math we started Unit 8 which involved a review of money. We also learned about the dollar bill and started counting money in the dollars. We then extended our place value to the 100’s place! 

Bible: This week for Bible, we spent the whole week on Jesus’ last days on earth and especially to prepare for Easter. It is the saddest story in the whole Bible, yet it is the story with the happiest ending. I can’t wait until Monday when I tell the students the greatest part of this whole story! I encourage everyone to find a church near them and attend church this Sunday, because it is Easter and a great celebration of our risen Savior!

 Here are some videos to talk about Easter!

Science: For Science, we did a few experiments, one with cornstarch and water that didn’t really work and another with sprite and raisons called “Dancing Raisons.” All of these students are mini scientists!

For Chapel this week, we had a combined Chapel with K-5th grade students. The high school choir performed some songs their had been practicing about Easter. Here is a video clip of all the students singing one of the songs they learned in Music class.

Next Week:

Field Day will be April 25th. Parents are invited to come and enjoy cheering on the students as they challenge themselves in various physical activities.
Students need to bring:
Sack lunchお弁当

8:30-11:00 will be the physical activities/運動会
11:00- Eat lunch and play at Sera-en Park in front of OCSI/セーラのえん公園でピクニックと遊び

Parents are welcome to take their child home with them after the activities. I hope you can come and eat lunch with us!運動会が終わったら、子供をつれて帰ってもいいです。でも、みんなでお弁当を食べれたらうれしいです!


I’m so sorry for the late announcement! We just realized today when we had booked the field trip and it is on May 2nd. I hope that as many parents can come as they can but I understand and am sorry if it is too late of notice.
We will be going to Okinawa Zoo Kodomo no Kuni. We will be leaving the school around 9am. I’m sorry but parents cannot ride the bus with us so you can meet us there at the zoo around 9:30 or 9:40. We will go through the zoo and the wonder museum. Please make sure to bring a home lunch that day! More information coming later. Please send the permission slip back to school by Monday April 28!

Spelling Words: took, food, foot, soon, play, class, fly, glad, pray, dress, trust, frame, smile, stop, sleep, snack, wish, shape, much, child

Bible Verse: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28: 6a

If you would like to attend an Easter service:
Keystone Church of the Nazareneキーストンナザレン教会: 1198-2 Aza Yoshihara Chatan Cho Okinawa Ken, Japan
Easter Service at 10am

Koza Baptist Churchコザバプテスト教会686 Noborikawa Okinawa City, Okinawa, JP 904-2142
Easter Service at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:15am