Monday, October 22, 2012


Hi all!

I'm so sorry that this was not updated the last few weeks! Got caught up in the business of school and forgot about it. Since 1st quarter has successfully ended, I have made it my personal goal for 2nd quarter to keep the website updated.

Our last few weeks have been very busy but also filled with a lot of learning. In math, we learned about telling time to the hour and half and hour, as well as counting using tally's, pennies, and nickels. 

In reading, we learned about sequencing in stories making sure we know what happens in order of a story. We also learned about drawing conclusions, where I brought a bag in full of things about myself and the students had to draw conclusions from those items about what Ms. Turner was like. 

In science we learned about the fascinating life of ants, and the life cycle of a chicken. 

In Bible, we are moving right along with the story of Abraham, and Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau, and remembering all through it that God keeps His promises. 

We have grown together close as a class, learned what it means to be kind to each other, played hard at recess, and loved God with all of our hearts. 

I'm looking forward to all the joys that 2nd quarter will bring!

Ms. Turner