Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Picture Day

October 2nd 

October 2nd is picture day for Elementary Students! Please send your child to school dressed with whatever you would like them to wear for taking the picture. PLEASE SEND A CHANGE OF CLOTHES (着替え)in case you don't want your child to get the clothes messy or dirty. The child may change after we take the picture. EVERY CHILD WILL GET THEIR PICTURE TAKEN.

I sent home a form today about Picture Day. Please read over it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ORDER PICTURES IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. 注文したくなければ、しなくでいいです。でもしたければ、今日お家に送ってきた紙をご利用ください。If you want to order though, please fill out the form, include the money and send back to school. Also, send me an email to make sure that I received the money and form. There will be no CHANGE (おつりなし) given so please give exact money. Tape or glue the envelope shut so the money does not escape.