Saturday, November 16, 2013

Friday News and Information for November 18-22

  • Happy Saturday! I’m sorry that this is being sent on Saturday not Friday. Last night, I was working really hard on the Friday news and it was nice and beautiful and then it DISAPPEARED and I lost it!!! Ahhhh so I didn’t have the energy to do it again, so now it is Saturday and I am doing it!

This week in 1st grade:

Bible: We have been learning about the life of Moses. We are excited to see how God is going to use Moses to save the Israelites from Egypt.

Reading: Since the students absolutely are enjoying the Pigeon books by Mo Willems, one of the moms offered to check out more of his books from another library. So now our classroom has 25 Mo Willems books! We are having a blast reading them. Together as a class we have discovered that Mo Willems books all share similar characteristics:

  • Talking bubble or thinking bubbles for the dialogue.
  • Squiggly line when angry or mad
  • BIG LETTERS when shouting and small letters when embarrassed.
We are excited to see what else we will find out about the Mo Willems books!

Here is an example of one of his book:

Math: We have started a unit on measurement. We started out talking about measuring temperature with a thermometer. On Friday we used our body to measure different things around the room such as using our finger, our feet, our arms to measure our desk, the whiteboard etc. 

Upcoming Information

November 23 - PTA Christmas Fair. Come out and enjoy some local Yomitan crafts and yummy sweet from the PTF. 10am-2pm in the gym.

November 27 Harvest Festival!

  • On this day 1st and 2nd grade student will rotate around the classes to do various crafts and activities relating to Thanksgiving. On this special day, all students will be provided with a school lunch of turkey and vegetables. So if you bring a home lunch to school everyday, you do not have to send one on this day. (If you child does not want turkey, then you can still send a home lunch) この日に全生徒は給食をたべれます。七面鳥と野菜です。

  • This day is also Pie Day! I have asked a few parents to donate some pies, so that after the Thanksgiving celebrations, we can all enjoy a slice of pie. 

November 28-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL!

December 6th - Christmas Program. School will be dismissed at 12:10. The Christmas program will be that evening at 7pm. More information later. 

Next Week:

Spelling Words: end, hand, sent, went, fast, must, jump, lamp, they, one

Bible Memory Verse: 
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

    Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
Psalm 100

The song! Click here: Psalm 100