Thursday, September 27, 2018



Happy typhoon day! I hope you all stay safe inside this weekend as you wait out this typhoon.

This Week:

Reading - We focused on two reading strategies of using the beginning and ending sounds of words to read and stretching out the sounds. We read some more Pete the Cat books to practice.

Here's some pictures of us book shopping and working of spelling and grammar:

Writing - We continued to write a lot of stories and this week we focused on spelling all the sounds we hear in difficult words by stretching it out. It connected to our reading strategy!

Math - We finally made it to the sums of 10. These are VERY important. I want all the first graders to have it memorized! Next week on Thursday we will be having the Chapter 1 test. I’m excited to see how they will do!

Bible - After waiting for so many years, Abraham and Sarah finally had a baby!! They named him Isaac. We are continuing to see how God keeps his promises over and over again throughout the Bible and in our lives.

Social Studies - We learned about Okinawa and Japan! Next up is Asia!

We celebrated a birthday today!

Every Monday morning we answer a "Would you rather" question together. It's a great way for us to use our critical thinking and reasoning skills. This was this week's!

Next Week:

Spelling Words: in is it did big him rip fix was of
Bible Memory Verse: “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth; worship the Lord with gladness.” Psalm 100:1

Upcoming Events:
10/8 - Teacher Work Day - no school
10/25 - Field Trip to Kurashiki Dam
11/2: Parent-Teacher Conferences - no classes - sign ups starting on Monday online.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday News for the Week of Sept 18-21

Happy Friday!

We had a very HOT week! Students had sweat dripping off of them after recess and PE!

This week:

Reading - We focused on an accuracy strategy called “Using the Pictures.” It’s a very good skills for kids to have, if they are trying to read a word and they can’t figure it out, to use the pictures to match it up with the word. We read some very fun Pete the Cat books this week to practice! On Friday, the students picked a book from their book folder and found a word and matched it with a picture!

We also practiced Read to Someone, where the students get to read to a partner. They get to help each other with questions like “Do you need coaching or time?” when a student gets stuck on a page. So much fun!

Math: We are working through different ways to make numbers. This week we worked on ways to make 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8! I hope students make the connections and that it speeds up their addition facts.

Bible - We are continuing through the wonderful story of Abraham. God made a covenant with him, which is a cool way to say “a promise between God and a person.” God promised him that he would be blessed and all the people on the earth would be blessed through him. He promised him that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore. BUT the craziest part is that Abraham doesn’t even have a child!!!! Our story continues next week…

Writing - My first grade writers are cruising through narrative stories. This week we realized that our stories were too short! We need to make them longer! So we asked questions such as WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? This helped the students add more and revise their stories.

Next Week:

Bible Memory: “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth.” Psalm 100:1a
Spelling Words: up  us mud  bug fun run  sun cut to are

Upcoming Events:
10/8 - Teacher Work Day - no school
10/25 - Field Trip to Kurashiki Dam - more info sent home on Monday

11/2: Parent-Teacher Conferences - no classes

Friday, September 14, 2018


Happy Friday! It’s the end of another great week in 1st grade!

This Week:

Reading - We focused on 3 important things about books: the TITLE, AUTHOR, and ILLUSTRATOR. I think it’s a good skill for the kids to be able to recognize all three parts of a book. We read Clifford books all week to teacher about. Clifford books are so funny! On Friday, the students picked 2 books from their book basket and write the Titles, Author, and Illustrator for those 2 books. Great job students!

We have reached the 20 minutes reading stamina for Read to Self. Next week we will try Read to Someone!

Writing - This week we looked at the steps on how to write a small moment story. First we think of an idea, then we touch each page and tell what we will write about, then we sketch across the pages a rough pictures, and THEN write the story! Phew! So many steps! The students did great thinking of stories and following the writing directions.

Math - We are cruising through the first chapter and we started to learn sums to 4 and 5. Next week we will continue all to sums to 10.

Bible - This week we reviewed everything we’ve learned in Bible so far and then we learned about Abram and Sarai. God has an amazing plan to save the whole world and it starts with Him telling Abram to GO and MOVE and FOLLOW GOD! Abram does! I’m excited to share as we continue through the Old Testament.

Social Studies - Today we learned about our school as a community and how OCSI is in Yomitan. We went outside to draw a picture of OCSI!

Next Week -

Spelling Words: bed, fed, red, get, let, pet, men, yes, for, as
Bible Memory Verse: “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” Psalm 8:1


Picture Day is Wednesday! If you want your child to wear something nice, please send a change of clothes with them. If you want to order pictures, send the paper back and please have the money attached. If you have any questions, please email me!

Upcoming Events:
10/8 - Teacher Work Day - no school
10/25 - Field Trip to Kurashiki Dam
11/2: Parent-Teacher Conferences - no classes

Today you may have received something that look like this:

If you would like to order some books for you or your child, you can!

You can order Online!

Here is the website:
You can now browse books online as well.

I followed through a few of the steps to show you if you wanted to order online with a credit card.

1. Select what books you want and add them to your basket. When you are finished, press "Go to Checkout"
2. Type in your email address, press "next"
3. Schools - Make sure it says Okinawa Christian School, press "next"

4. Deliver Option. Make sure it says OCSI and my name, Ms. Turner's 1.1 Class and select "Dispatch Order to School."

5. Child Details - Enter your child's name and the class (ex. 1.2, 2.1)

6. Choose Payment Method - enter Credit Card information and select "Pay Using this Address" 

7. The last step should be confirm! You should get an email about your confirmation and Scholastic will also send me a confirmation email. 

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by September 30th, 2018.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday News for the week of September 4-7

Happy Friday!

We had an energetic and fun 3rd week of school! Students are getting more used to the routines and it’s fun to see their personalities coming out.

This Week:

Reading: This week we focused on Cross-Checking. It’s an accuracy strategy that helps the students check the pictures with the words and helps them sound out the words. Mrs. Hewitt read some fun books to the kids this week as we practiced cross checking. We also continued to build stamina in reading. One day this week we made it to 13 minutes! I think for sure we’ll read for 20 minutes next week. :)

Writing: This week we learned that good writers:
  • Write from left to right, up to down
  • Write one idea
  • Underline words they don’t know
  • Use beginning and ending sounds

Math: This week we learned about tally, addition number sentences, and adding with 0. Students are all doing great!

Bible: This week we learned the sad story of when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered the world. Instead of a perfect world like God had created, our world became corrupted and full of sin and sadness. But there is an amazing glimpse of hope that someday, Satan will be defeated and we can live with God in a perfect world again. We also learned the sad stories of Cain and Abel and Noah’s ark.

Social Studies: We learned about communities in a neighborhood and what kind of places we see around town.

Spelling: We had our first spelling test of the year!

Next Week:
Spelling Words: job, God, mom, hop, top, got, not, fox, a, and
Bible Memory: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (again)

Upcoming Events:
9/17: Teacher Work Day - no school
9/19-9/20: School Pictures
10/8 - Teacher Work Day - no school
10/25 - Field Trip to Kurashiki Dam

11/2: Parent-Teacher Conferences - no classes