Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday News for Week of November 14-18

Happy Friday!

This week:

Reading: This week we focused on Beginning, Middle, and End of the story. It’s so important for students to be able to recognize and explain the beginning, middle, and the end of the story. It’s like of like a roller coaster! We read several great books and thought about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Math: We are continuing to learn addition facts to 20. We learned how to count on, count on a number line, and use doubles. Do you know your doubles facts?

Bible: We started the great story of Moses! After Jacob’s family had been in Egypt for 400 years they were now slaves and cried out to God to rescue them. God sent Moses to free the Israelites from the Egyptians. It took 10 scary plagues before Pharaoh could see God’s power and let them go. The last plague was the worst, death of the first born sons. To the Israelites, God told them to put the blood of a lamb on the door frame and in the night, as the Lord passed through Egypt, he would pass over the houses that had the blood and the people inside were spared. God was preparing the people then, that eventually Jesus would be born, the “Lamb of God” who would die for the people and save them by his blood! WOW! So incredible!

Today Tobin's grandparents came and read us 2 stories! Thanks!

Next Week:
Same Bible verse and same Bible Memory Verse
Spelling test on Monday, November 21st

Harvest Fest - November 22nd
Parents, you are invited to come out on Tuesday. The students will be going to the other 1st and 2nd grade classrooms to do fun activities about Thanksgiving. At 2:15 we will be eating PIE together!

November 23-25 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break

December 1st and December 2nd we will be going to the Yomitan Cultural Center for practice for the Christmas Program during the school day (8:45-10:45). I will send a permission slip on Monday to let you know students will be leaving campus for a few hours.

December 2nd - Please everyone bring a HOME LUNCH Because we will be practicing extra at the hall, everyone needs a HOME LUNCH. お弁当を持たせてください!
Also, dismissal is at 12:30, please plan accordingly if your child rides the bus.

Make sure to come back later a 6:30pm at the Yomitan Cultural Center for the OCSI Christmas Program which starts at 7:00pm! Invite your family and friends for a great night!!

Here’s a map of the center. Please email me if you have any questions!