Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday News for the Week of October 9-13

Happy Friday!

Here’s a recap of our fun week in 1st grade:

Reading: We focused the whole week on rhyming words! We read through several fun Dr. Seuss books and thought of the rhyming words we heard. Dr. Seuss books are so creative! I love reading them!

We also started our first full session of Daily 5. The students did Read to Self for 20 minutes everyday, and then they picked Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and Book Shopping for the next 20 minutes. They are already becoming such good readers!

Writing: This week we looked at revising our work by going back and asking Who? What? When? Where? and Why? We learned that, “when you are done writing, you’ve just begun!” Just because you think you’re finished, doesn’t mean there are more details to add to our stories to make it longer and more exciting to read to our friends.

Math: We are zooming right through subtraction. Students have learned some vocabulary including “difference” and “minus sign” as well as worked in groups to play math games and learn how to draw a diagram (pictures) to help with the subtraction problems.

Today we went to the computer lab to play some Math games from the connectED website!

Bible: We continue to follow the story of Jacob. After he ran away from his home because he tricked his brother Jacob, he went back to his mother’s homeland. There he married Rachel and Leah, as well as 2 other ladies and his family grew. He has 12 sons. God blessed him in whatever he did and his flocks grew. Finally God told him to go back to Canaan, but one big problem - his brother Esau is there! Today we learned that Jacob trusted in God, went back home where Esau welcomed him back with open arms. God always keeps his promises and it’s so cool to see how he kept His word with Jacob and brought him back to Canaan and took care of him.

Bible Memory Verse: Every week will will study and learn a Bible verse - we will memorize it and hide it deep down into our heart. On Fridays I will start and oral test - where the students will have to say the Bible verse to me without looking at the paper. Please have your child practice the Bible verse every night as a part of their homework (it's on the homework checklist) . This month we are building on Psalm 100 - every week it gets longer!

To help, here a song to learn it faster!

Social Studies: We are learning all about our continent we live on - Asia! We learned that it has the most people on it and ranges from cold climates to warm climates. We learned about the highest mountain, and some of the biggest cities.

Operation Christmas Child - We are going to do a great thing together as a class! Together we are going to pack a shoe-box for a child in need around the world! On Thursday we talked about it and each child decided what they would like to include in the box. I sent home a form on Thursday - you are welcome to get that item OR another item - it’s completely up to you! If you can’t supply an item, that is completely fine too. Attached are the brochures for Operation Christmas Child.

Ideas include:
Soccer ball with pump, Stuffed animal, Toys (puppets, trucks, etc.), Doll (baby, Barbie, etc.), Musical instrument, Outfit, Shoes, toy cars, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, toothbrushes, bar soap, combs, washcloths, T-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries), etc.


ペン、鉛筆、鉛筆削り、クレヨン、マーカー、ノート、シール、お手紙セット、電卓、ぬりえなど、ボール (大きい場合は空気を抜いて/空気入れを添えて)、ぬいぐるみ、人形、笛、ハーモニカ、ヨーヨー、縄跳び、光や音が出るおもちゃ、(電池が必要な場合は予備の電池も添えて) 歯ブラシ、くし、ミニタオル

Image result for operation christmas child

Please send your item to school by November 2nd. 11月2日までに提出してください。

Please be careful not to bring in these kinds of items!

Next Week:
Spelling Words: add puff egg well will doll kiss miss you live
Bible Memory Verse: “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him with joyful songs.” Psalm 100:1-2

Upcoming Events:

  • 10/9: No school!
  • 11/3: Parent/Teacher Conferences - no classes  More information coming soon!
  • 11/11: Walkathon and Holiday Market - some information sent home today! This day will be a very fun day together as a school. Please sign up to walk in the walkathon with your child. If you don’t want to walk, please try to stop by the Holiday Market for some fun crafts from around Okinawa!
  • 11/13: OCSI holiday
  • 11/22-24: Thanksgiving Holiday - no school
  • 12/6: 12:30 dismissal for students, Christmas Program
  • 12/15: 12:30 dismissal for students - Christmas PARTY!
  • 12/16 - 1/3: Christmas vacation